Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Glasses and Plumbers Crack


Unknown said...

Looks like you guys are having a blast with the kids. We love gathering around and watching! Hugs to you all!

Kelsey Bohlender said...

Zoe just said, "OH, AIDEN!" to the plumber's crack.

I think she is getting used to the idea of John with new kiddos!

Anonymous said...

I love that they are beginning to learn what you are saying to them. It awesome to watch.

Somedays are Worth Remembering said...

Awesome crack you guys! Definately the one I would want to see working on my sink. :-)

Randy Bohlender said...

What is up with the bolt cutter hanging on the door? is that a door nob? a lock? What is THAT?!?!

Tracie said...

Yep, that's the door knob, lock thingy. It's very sturdy.